The children in the photo above took part in an amazing activity this month. 163 children from 9 churches in Tete, Mozambique met together to read Little Zebra books, sing songs, and show off their Bible memorization skills. All the kids received treats for attending. The first three children’s groups to arrive received a bucket. But why a bucket? Buckets will provide access to clean water for hand washing.   Other groups even won a broom. Now these might seem like unusual prizes to us, but for these kids, these kinds of prizes help create a clean and healthy environment for kids to meet and read Little Zebra Books.

This was possible because you support Little Zebra Books! Children in Africa are growing up with books in their hands and God’s Word in their hearts because of your generous support. Right now, I’d like to remind you that we urgently need to print books for kids in these reading clubs. We’re asking friends of Little Zebra Books to donate $60 toward this project. If we all do our part, more than 10,000 children in Africa will receive books every month for a year!

So please consider making an extra donation today. Your gift will put books in the hands of kids across Africa. And that is worth celebrating!

Donate $60
Provide books for kids in Mozambique

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