Image: Little Zebra Books have now printed and shipped over one million books.

In a major milestone, Little Zebra Books printed its millionth book in December 2019! This book was one of 117 000 books in 2 languages which were printed and delivered to the Little Zebra office in Cape Town. These books all needed to be packed into over 100 boxes for shipping to Mozambique. There they will be used by more than 70 reading clubs and Sunday schools for children.

With the help of some quick calculations, we figured out that the 230th book of the 66th box packed would be the one millionth book produced by Little Zebra Books. So we got to work.

A number of volunteers gathered to help pack all the books in boxes, and late in the afternoon reached what we have officially dubbed the “millionth book”!

Image: Some of the packing volunteers, with the millionth book.

103 boxes are now on their way to northern Mozambique, where they will impact thousands of children this year.

A million is a mind-bogglingly big number and it makes us so happy that there are now a million more books in Mozambique than there were ten years ago. Praise God, without whom none of this would be possible!

Image: The boxes head off to Mozambique.

A million books was only possible because of generous people like you. Make a donation today and help the supply of books keep coming!

Our Millionth Book!

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